Appointment details

Pharmasave Holistic Care
11188 Highway 60
Golden Lake ON   K0J 1X0
(613) 625-1112

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Message from your pharmacy

Only Pfizer COVID vaccines available until their expiry Feb 4th (all other flu/COVID vaccines have expired & no further stock arriving). All appointments must be booked online and screening forms completed before arriving for your appointment. Thank you.

Other vaccine injections possible: such as Shingrix with a Dr's Rx or Prevnar/Capvaxive without a Rx 

Appointment details

Pharmasave Holistic Care
11188 Highway 60
Golden Lake ON   K0J 1X0
(613) 625-1112
Message from your pharmacy

Only Pfizer COVID vaccines available until their expiry Feb 4th (all other flu/COVID vaccines have expired & no further stock arriving). All appointments must be booked online and screening forms completed before arriving for your appointment. Thank you.

Other vaccine injections possible: such as Shingrix with a Dr's Rx or Prevnar/Capvaxive without a Rx